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Career information

Degree courses

Cardiff Met Biomedical Sciences Department
Cardiff Metropolitan University - BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science
Bangor University - BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science
Wrexham University - BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science

Career information links

IBMS - Become a biomedical scientist

Routes to becoming a registered biomedical scientist.

HEIW - Life sciences careers

Overview of the range of career areas within life sciences.

RCPath - Careers in Pathology

Overview of different roles and specialisms within pathology by the Royal College of Pathologists.

Careers Wales - Biomedical Scientist

Overview of the roles and opportunities open to biomedical scientists. 

Pathways to becoming a pathologist in Wales

HEIW - Scientist Training Programme overview

Overview of the three-year, graduate entry training programme of work based and academic learning that is run across the UK by the National School of Healthcare Science.

HEIW - Scientist Training Programme

Information about the three-year NHS Scientist Training Programme route into the healthcare science profession.

HEIW - Practitioner Training Programme

Information about the undergraduate Practitioner Training Programme, which leads to an approved and accredited BSc honours degree in healthcare science. 

National Careers Service - Pathologist

Information including job profile, routes into pathology as a career and opportunities for progression.

AWGMS - Career Pathways

Role profiles, training, events, and career from the All Wales Genomics Service and Genomics Partnership Wales.